— Welcome, My name is Alessia I am your Guide to the happier Life!

About me

I specialize in helping middle-aged women to find direction, get unstuck and gain the confidence to make positive changes in their lives. I can help you to make a move towards a fulfilling life, return your energy and internal drive, find balance, align your desires and goals to your purpose.

I’m passionate about helping people overcome their limiting beliefs and negative emotions. My techniques are designed to elevate confidence, change negative thought patterns, and create a positive self-image. By using hypnosis and NLP, I can help you achieve transformation in just a few sessions.

My approach is to get to the root of the problem, which is often deep in the subconscious mind. By inducing you into a hypnotic trance, I can reprogram and reframe your limiting beliefs and negative emotions. I can help you reframe fears and self-doubt into positive self-image and confidence, and make the shift quick and life-lasting.

Think of it as downloading new software that mends broken lives and empowers individuals to function in an entirely new positive way. I’m passionate about understanding the intricacies of the human mind, a truly creative marvel that operates through internal representations. When limiting beliefs, fears, or doubts become like broken records, they perpetuate a never-ending loop, creating imaginary obstacles. This is where the power of hypnotherapy and NLP shines, offering the ability to reframe these challenges and turn a non-functional life into one that operates harmoniously.

As someone who has faced similar issues as many middle-aged women, I was stuck in a 9 to 5 job with unhealthy work-life balance,  overwhelmed, burnout, with no energy, unfulfilled. 

I felt a strong urge for significant change, but lack of direction, confidence, fears, anxiety, confusion and self sabotage were stopping me from a change. The stagnation was affecting all spheres of my life. I was feeling frustrated, easily angered, emotionally drained.  It was affecting my happiness, emotional state, my relationships, my finances.  It seems that no one understands what I am going through, I know that feeling when it seems that no one can help

But I didn’t give up, all has changed  when I reframed my mindset, accepted myself, aligned to my purpose, it has changed my life to “before” and “after”. I have understood my calling, I have dedicated myself to help woman just like me to make the move towards life they deserve. 

If fixing the issues that are keeping you from living a fulfilling, balanced and confident life aligned to your purpose, is something you want.  I’m here to help. 

Book a 15 minutes session, to see if you are the right fit.

I am available for

You are only one step away from saying “YES” to your new Life.

It is never too late, the last chapter of your life is not written yet.

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One-on-One Session

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Group Online Sessions

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Individual Consultations